
Free Mint To $5k Floor Price




NFT Collection



Farcana had just raised 10 Million $ from the likes of Animoca Brands, Polygon Ventures, and other big hitters. With this fresh capital to tap into, they wanted to make a splash, accelerate their growth, reputation, and user base through a series of NFT mints.

We took that assignment and turned it into a sold out collection on Polygon and on Bitcoin Ordinals, with the former being A FREE mint NFT collection that rose to a $5k floor price! In a bear market! in just 4 weeks!

The first key to success was our Web3 Trend Watch. Ethereum gas fees were skyrocketing making the NFT market weaker on the blockchain. At the same time, the new kid on the block Bitcoin Ordinals was gaining traction. Together with the marketing and collab team, we moved to a mint on Polygon and another one on the Bitcoin network to optimize for maximum exposure, and thats exactly what we got, an insane amount of hype!

The second key was our Battle-Testing & Launch framework. Because of all of the hype that was generated before the project was even released, the tension, nerves, and anticipation was at an all time high. We doubled down on testing sessions, broke down possible emergency scenarios and what our solutions would be, and made sure everybody was aligned ahead of the launch.

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